Strict Implementation of Animal and Plant Quarantine Measures (Notice from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)

Bringing meat products, plants or fruit into Japan is strictly restricted.
In case of introducing such products illegally, persons shall be punished with serious penalty, for example, imprisonment for a term of up to 3 years or a fine of up to 3 million JPY (up to 50 million JPY for businesses).
Illegal import might be notified to police office.
Illegal import might result in arrestment.
Thus, please do not bring in meat products, plants or fruit into Japan
For more information, please click below:
Leaflet on livestock and plant imports
Leaflet on importing livestock products
Leaflet on plant importation
Video Notice on Plant Quarantine
Video Notice on Quarantine dog
Contact us:
For Animal Quarantine Service
For Plant Quarantine